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My name is Jasmijn (she). I live in the Netherlands. I'm 28 years old, which means I'm old enough that my posts are starting to show my age. I'm a mouse-person, and this is my homepage. I have lived on the computer my whole life. Across many years of abundant free time, I've made a small handful of things, most of which with the intent to make people laugh. In the future, I may compile a more comprehensive list of my past activities here.
I have autism and mental health issues. I like going on the computer, listening to music, playing video games, and dabbling in various creative activities. In particular, I have been focused on making music for most of my life. Music is probably my favorite thing in the whole world, and I want to make as much of it as I can. I hope to have more to share in the future.
I waste a lot of time. If you want to talk, chat me up on Discord!
This website is meant for Computer Viewing!
twitter • Jokes, updates, music and drawings
youtube • Primarily funny videos
soundcloud • Some of my music
bandcamp • Music that is more collected-like
bluesky • I don't really use this right now.
soundcloud • Used to make jokes on here. Still rarely do.
youtube • A few ancient funnies and some gaming videos.
twitch • Streamed on here a ton in the past, now very rarely.
comic • Ironic gaming-humor, never done before.
2025/01/01: Started collecting my thoughts on Action 52. I haven't beaten Ooze yet, so I've only written about four of the games thus far.
2024/12/01: Starting now, I'll post site updates. Putting them here for now. I've decided to start uploading plugdata patches I've made, which will be on the downloads page for the time being.